My 7 Day Juice Revolution Detox {part 1}

As I assumed, there has been a lot of interest around the Juice Revolution 7 Day Detox that I am currently doing (into day 3 now), so I thought I would do a post to explain to you what the programme I am doing is about, why I’m doing and how I m finding it thus far. I will also obviously do a post once I have completed the detox where I will explain everything to you. Feel free to throw any questions you have my way and I will get back to you in the next post, or in the comments section.

I initially came across these delivered juicing detox on the internet a while back, but sadly they were only just taking off in Dubai and the UK and, as usual, there was no one in South Africa offering this service. Anyway, to cut a long story short, you can imagine my excitement when I came across The Juice Revolution run by Fiona Stander in Somerset West! I signed up straight away to the 7 Day Detox (known as the 7lbs in 7 days) and was put on the list with the first available slot a month and a bit down the line (being now). There is high demand for this service so if you are keen definitely get your name on the list asap! The first thing I have to say is how INCREDIBLY professional and organised this service is. The box was delivered yo my door step with every.single.thing labeled perfectly and packaged neatly (just how I like it). In the box I received the following:

5x 500ml juices per day (fruit and veggie combinations) – these juices are all blast frozen so can go straight into your deep freeze, just be sure you have emptied it out as you’ll need the space. 5 Spicy Apple & Cinnamon Juices to conclude each day with (to be drunk warm) A few little bags of supplements – all labelled perfectly so you know when to take them and with which juice. A selection of Pukka herbal tea bags A mini flip file with instructions, tips, motivation and guidance. On a side note – you also get daily mails during your detox explaining how your body should be feeling and motivating you which really do help! Why am I doing this detox? I am doing it for a few reasons. Firstly, I wanted to try it out and see if I can actually do something like this. Secondly, I wanted to do it for my body – to help with my sugar cravings and to get my body on the straight and narrow in terms of clean, healthy eating.

How I’m finding it thus far? To be honest, day 1 and day 2 (esp day 2) were pretty tough for me. I, for one, didn’t realise how much food dominated my mood and my every thought. So it was tough getting my head around the fact that I could have a nice evening at home after work without planning what meal I’m going to cook! So much of my life is around good food, an I love my cooking, so this took getting used to but I cannot explain how great it feels to wake up each morning and not feel bloated, lethargic or generally pap!

The first thing most people ask me is ‘Aren’t you starving?’ – yet this has probably been the least of my problems so far. I haven’t managed to finish all my juices each day which is apparently quite normal but I have (very seldom) had to deal with being hungry. The juices full you up – you just miss actual eating – more the social aspect of it. I also miss salt but have not, for a second, craved unhealthy food. Onto day three and I am feeling MUCH stronger and more determined so will fill you in on the second half of the detox and my overall thought, achievements etc then. Until then you can have a look at the Juice Revolution site or like their page on Facebook – it’s super informative!

5 replies
  1. Filipa
    Filipa says:

    This looks amazing! I can relate to you so much about how your mood and food are so linked – I also love the idea of cooking something up delicious for dinner or enjoying delicious food. Agreed that the hardest part would be overcoming that mental block!

    Do you have a price list or anything like that for these programmes? I went online but their site doesn't have!

  2. Victoria
    Victoria says:

    Sure thing – try the following, they all look amazing:

    Hope that helps


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