Bathroom DIY'ing

Last night was spent painting, and if my boyfriend had'nt been…

Pink + chalk

Love the idea of using small splashes of pink in the home.…

Lighting in the home

As of tomorrow I have the new keys to my home and a whole new…

A very late Mulberry S/S post

I'm very late at sharing this, but sometimes I just don't get…

My chair dilemma

9 more sleeps to go. I don't think I can explain the excitement…

26 days

I got back to work yesterday, and as unpleasant as that thought…

Please Santa...

This is what my wishlist would like like this year. By that I…

A touch of pink

Kiss, Blush and Tell readers will know that I am having …

My Diligo experience

You will all know (if you have read my previous posts and follow…

My muse

I thought I would start off this week with sharing some style…