How to: Daytime Make Up In your 50’s

I came across this video the other night when trawling YouTube (as I do, way too often). It stuck out to me, though, as I feel so strongly about learning how to do make up that suits your age – never looking too overdone but also not neglecting it, leaving you looking tired and, well, old.

This video by the fabulous Mary Greenwell lays it all out; from making sure your canvas is beautiful dewy and hydrated (but never looking overly oily) to using the bare minimum to accentuate the things you want to accentuate. And, oh so importantly, to avoid contouring on any level.

She does make use of Chanel products only in this tutorial as this is who sponsor her as an artist, however, you most-definitely don’t need to just use these specific products. The technique and the type of products is what is important here in leaving a woman in her 50’s looking well-turned-out and groomed.

2 replies
  1. Lize Hartley
    Lize Hartley says:

    So interesting how she used the brushes in different ways! I have all the ones she used so I'm definitely going to try out the way she used them.

  2. Victoria
    Victoria says:

    She is incredible. I also found it so interesting how much moisturiser etc she used and so much use of her hands! Oh, and I want to look like this when I am 50!!!!


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