Lunching with the Urban Decay Global Team

These days I seldom go to blog events. I used to make lots of time for them but, nowadays, I just don’t have the time. My day job is super demanding and the little bit of time off I do have is spent with friends and loved one’s – I’m not a champagne and high-heels kinda blogger.

Anyway, that being said, I sometimes get invited to launches that I will break my back to get to and the recent Urban Decay one was one of those. It was an intimate lunch at the beautiful Manna Epicure and the reason I was so keen to go was that it was a chance to meet the Urban Decay global team from Newport, California – the UD Head Office.

I was lucky enough to sit next to the General Manager of Urban Decay, Tim Warner. He spoke to me about his years in the beauty industry, a place he didn’t exactly plan on spending as many years as he has but has grown to love it, nonetheless. He spent 10 years at Benefit before moving onto Urban Decay for the past 11 years – playing a big role in both these brands really ‘arriving’ and being recognised as leading beauty brands internationally.

Urban Decay is one of the make up brands that excites me most – if you are an avid make up junkie like I am you will (hopefully) have tried some of their products. I have been using Urban Decay for years now and the products I swear by from them are one’s I have been repurchasing for ages. I am not brand loyal when it comes to beauty – I love using and trying loads of products, so for me to repurchase time and time again, it has to be something pretty special.

I am absolutely dead-set on one day being able to visit a big beauty brands, like Urban Decay, head office. The creativity and the knowledge that sits behind these brands fascinates me.

A photo posted by Kiss, Blush & Tell (@kissblushandtell) on Aug 10, 2016 at 7:00am PDT

I was also gifted the Urban Decay Moondust palette which is never something I would usually go for but have had fun playing around with it – the shadows are full of pigment and super metallic. The shade Specter  (top right) is beautiful and so up my alley, the rest will take some experimenting. I have been watching a bunch of tutorials for inspo and it seems the best option is to use some matte shadows with this palette. How beautiful is the below tutorial!

Thanks for having me Urban Decay, such a honour!

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