Dove Patches video & my thoughts

Adding to the original Dove Sketches video, that was the world’smost-watched video ad ever, Dove launched their Dove Patches video (see below). The whole concept was around a handful of women who wore a ‘RB-X beauty patch’ for a number of days and all noticed a change in their confidence – feeling more beautiful and comfortable in their skin. The catch was that there was absolutely nothing in this patch, showing us that we all have it in us and how strong the mind can be if we choose to make that shift.

I have to say that when I saw this video I didn’t really get it – for me it’s more about the small things that make me feel happier and more beautiful. However, I guess that relates back to their idea which is the tiny things that boost our confidence and make us feel more attractive. Sometimes those things can be the smallest touches, yet make all the difference and in our busy and stressful lives it is so important to make time for these things. As Dove say, “Beauty is a state of mind” – if you don’t take time out to make that mind-shift and make time for yourself we can get so caught up in the day-to-day stresses of life.

I have seen quite a few controversial thoughts on this video and a lot of me agrees with what is being said. I love that Dove is supporting women and their natural beauty but it also keeps putting us women in such a box; one that makes us look so pathetic, self-conscious and shallow. What are your thoughts?

2 replies
  1. Natasha
    Natasha says:

    I really don't like their campaigns. It feels like they're saying "You're more beautiful than you think", but I think they should be saying "There's more important things in the world than being beautiful" or "There's more to you than your looks". The fact that they still do animal testing while they are trying to create this image that they're a company that actually cares about woman really irritates me too.


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