My Interior Design Course: Furniture

I am not half way through my interior design course with GetSmarter and enjoying it more and more as it goes a long as we are not done with the basics and moving onto the more exciting stuff. As with most things, the basics are the foundation of getting the more exciting/enjoyable things right. In this case it was understanding use of space, various design elements (walls, ceilings, flooring), architectural design and drawing and history of trends before we could move into the stuff I really enjoy. This past week was out first week of doing furniture and understanding how this can make or break a room – from layout to the various types of furniture you can get and what is best paired together. So much stuff I had no clue about!

Below are some focal pieces of furniture that I love and that I think could really make a room stand out. My next module is Colour which I am also really excited about, will share more next week!

If you are interested in signing up to this short course go here, or browse GetSmarters other online short courses.

This pink sofa
This green side board
The fuchsia pink chair paired with a contrasting black cabinet both frame this wall well
This bathroom cabinet
This decorative accesories
This beautiful fireplace

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