Butternut, Biltong + Feta Stuffed chicken

This is one of my all-time favourite dishes. It is so simple to do and is guaranteed to impress! I decided to do this for a Sunday eve dinner as I had recently been sent some brand spanking new kitchen appliances that made making this dish a lot easier! 

Being in a new home, I am still trying to kit it out – it’s one of those things when you always feel like you have everything and then realise half way through cooking a meal that you don’t have a whisk/spatula and, and, and.

Two of the products I received came in handy when making this meal – the first was the Mermaid baking tray (you can buy it on Yuppiechef here). Now for any kitchen mogul, you will have heard about this product – there has been loads of buzz about it because of it being so incredibly durable (twice as hard as stainless steel) and because of the fact that it distributes heat making your food cook evenly and fast. It is the top-selling bakeware product after-all!  The second product was this little miracle garlic grater, the Garlic Card (you can read more here). I hate using pre-chopped garlic so always opt for a fresh bulb, but chopping it is my worst. This little nifty card-like gadget is the perfect grater and, even though your fingers still smell like an Italian chef, you have the freshest garlic is 2 secs. Little wonder product right here…

Here is the recipe using my two new kitchen tools, enjoy!


1 roast chicken

1 butternut (diced)

2 feta rounds

Shredded biltong (moist works best)

S&P to taste

Potato for wedges Onion for flavour

…And now for some seriously unappealing snap shots, promise it tastes better (but you can see my Mermaid baking tray)


1)      Boil the butternut until soft. Put this into the blender with S&P and biltong. Blend until smooth

2)      Lift the chicken skin gently with the under-side of a spoon and stuff the area between the skin and the meat with the butternut mixture. Use the remainder for the inside of the bird.

3)      Slice up the potato wedges and place around the chicken. S&P to taste.

4)      Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 1 hour (dependant on weight of bird).

Image source here

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