The Spindel

I got given a Spindel about a month ago and, living in a Cape…

Make a difference {Breatheasy}

As a blogger I get loads of charity requests, I mean loads –…

Things I love

Continuing on my new series every Thursday, here are a few things…

Things I love

I want to start a little series on the blog. Something that is…

A few of my Instagrams

Breakfast at Tamboerswinkel - this really is my little local…

Vanilla Bean cupcakes {recipe}

This weekend was my darling friend, Anna’s, birthday which…

A few of my Instagrams

This is my second post of my Instagrams (you can see my first…

My farm house {one day}

I, like plenty of other I'm sure, would love a farm house one…

A few of my Instagrams

These are a few pics of what I've been up to of late. Going to…

the selby {the book}

With my holiday coming up pretty soon I have obviously been making…