Karkloof Kak

With high hopes of finding a little gem that would excite me. Possibly even inspire me to write a post about it. This place being the Karkloof Market.

(luckily their logo is done so beautifully on Microsoft word 1997)

Mum told me I would love it, but as we got closer and closer she started to say things like:

“Sometimes this is a hill-billy area”

“This could be a mistake Tor, but let’s just see…”

Nestled in the hills of the midlands on a tiny dirt round is the… ummm… tin shed. Now this was fine until I ventured inside to find the first vendor selling rusks, and the second, and the third. Some sold meat that had de-frosted, others sold baby bubblebath (wtf) and others sold crusty pies and Christmas cakes. Sis

Some previously enthusiastic and inspired person had obviously visited the lovely Biscuit Mill and thought the Midlands needed its own.

I went there with wonderful ideas of returning home with a beautiful christmas tree, to set the Christmas mood at home. Instead I returned with nothing.

Thanks Karkoof Market… Never again

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